Quick and Dirty Character Generation for Mothership

Generating attributes for Mothership, using cards instead of dice.

For each character-

Shuffle a deck of cards.
Draw cards until you have six non-face cards. (Set aside the first face card for later)
Add them together. This is your Strength.

Draw until you have six more non-face cards.
Add them together. This is your Speed.

Do this again for the other two attributes, Intellect and Combat.

To determine your class, look at the first face card you drew earlier.
Hearts = Teamster
Diamonds = Scientist
Clubs = Android
Spades = Marine

Then just grab your starter package and skills.

What the card drawing does is it limits you to 'rolling' the same number during character creation no more than four times.
So you can only get a ten four times, or a one four times.
There's still some variation. As there's 40 non-face cards in the deck and you'll only use 24 of them.
It simply keeps them a bit more average.
And the cards can be a bit quicker to deal with.

Mothership is available here and here.
Official website is here.


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